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Dear Sir Madam Job Application Letter

Dear Sir or Madam: Outdated or Acceptable?


In the realm of professional correspondence, the choice of salutation holds immense significance. The phrase "Dear Sir or Madam" has been a staple in cover letters for generations, but its continued relevance has become a subject of debate. In this blog post, we delve into the nuances of this salutation, exploring its pros and cons and providing alternative options to consider.

Pros of Using "Dear Sir or Madam"

  • Formal and respectful: The phrase conveys a sense of formality and respect, which can be appropriate in certain situations.
  • Inclusive: It addresses both genders without making any assumptions.
  • Avoids potential errors: By not using a specific name, you eliminate the risk of misspelling or misgendering the recipient.

Cons of Using "Dear Sir or Madam"

  • Outdated: The phrase has become somewhat outdated and can be perceived as impersonal or distant.
  • Less engaging: Addressing the recipient by name makes the letter more personal and engaging, increasing its chances of being read.
  • May be seen as lazy: Using a generic salutation can suggest that you did not take the time to research the recipient's name.

Alternative Salutations to Consider

  • Mr./Ms. Last Name: Use this option if you know the recipient's gender and last name.
  • Dear Hiring Manager: This is a safe choice when you don't know the specific individual you're writing to.
  • Dear [Department Name] Team: Use this if you're writing to a specific department or group.
  • Dear [Organization Name] Team: This is appropriate for general inquiries or when writing to a large organization.


Whether or not to use "Dear Sir or Madam" in your cover letter depends on the specific context and your preferences. While it may still be acceptable in some formal settings, it's generally advisable to opt for more personalized alternatives that convey a sense of professionalism and engagement. By taking the time to research the recipient's name or using a suitable variation, you can increase the impact of your cover letter and improve your chances of making a positive impression.
